Quick Loans to bring back Self Cert in January 2016
- Quick Loans Team
- Category: Quick News
We are pleased to announce that, as of January 2016, we will be at the forefront of bringing Self-Cert mortgages back to the UK through our new sister site.
Self-Cert mortgages are vital tools for self-employed individuals looking to get onto the property ladder. Without them, many self-employed people have found themselves unable to secure a mortgage - a situation we aim to change.
Self Cert Mortgages Were The Best Performing
We believe that Self-Cert mortgages were unfairly blamed for the banking crisis. In reality, they had little to do with the crash on this side of the Atlantic. Instead, blatant fraud (often by brokers) and irresponsible mortgage-backed securities trading, where banks abandoned common sense, were the true causes of the financial meltdown. We intend to address these issues and ensure they do not recur in our approach.
The majority of Self-Cert mortgage holders did not default and remain up to date with their repayments. We are confident that our robust assessment process will minimise fraud and keep it well within manageable levels.
Quick Loans Ltd has recently acquired the domain name SelfCert.co.uk. Through this platform, we and our partners will cautiously reintroduce Self-Cert mortgages to prove their viability and demonstrate their value to the market on a larger scale. We expect significant interest from the outset, so much so that we anticipate demand will exceed our initial capacity.
Further details will be released in the coming weeks, with an official launch planned for mid-January 2016.