In an ideal world, borrowers would only borrow the necessary amount, but it's easier said than done. Borrowers must balance their desire to secure all they need in one application with the reluctance to borrow too much, as interest is charged on the full balance. Additionally, the more an applicant attempts to borrow, the smaller the pool of willing lenders.
The minimum amount one can apply for is £200, while the maximum loan through Quick Loans is £10,000. However, this may be out of reach for most borrowers. The required credit score to obtain this amount is quite high, and customers with scores towards the high 900s may find it more cost-effective to apply for £10,000 with a mainstream lender. A more realistic loan amount for the average visitor to this site is £5000. The APRs are competitive, and the approval barriers are lower.
This is just a guide; borrowers are free to apply for the amount they feel is best for them. Remember, no hard credit checks are performed on applications; lenders only conduct 'Soft Checks.'