Don't Fall For This Scam, Many Do!

This is a very serious, fraudsters are as active as they ever have been with loan fee scams.

Representative Example: Amount of credit: £1500 for 11 months at £169.69 per month. Total repayment of £1866.59. Interest: £366.59 Interest rate: 46% pa (fixed). APR rates range from 22.3% APR to 112.5%. Credit broker not a lender. Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help visit Money Helper

We do not, and never have requested upfront fees

If you have been contacted by someone claiming to be working for us, you really need to read this page. Stop, don't pay anyone.

We do not and never have cold called anyone, or sent them emails with offers. If you receive any of these requests, you are not dealing with us, you are dealing with fraudsters pretending to be us - it's that simple.

Since the start of the year, we are currently seeing a massive rise in loan fraud. Please don't pay anyone money upfront for a loan. There are many factors for this, one being the withdrawal of credit facilities to those with bad credit. We are planning on doing is updating this page with complaints from victims. This will enable people to see the scale of the problem.

One of their favourite claims at the moment is that they are calling on behalf of us. They use names that are close to ours but don't exist, close enough to our brand to cause confusion though. There is no website and there is no company trading with the "UK" on the end. It is certainly nothing to do with us. If you ever hear this name, you know it is part of the scam detailed below.

QuickLoans Police

How The Scam Works


You Receive An Unsolicited Call

Rogue cold callers (based in India) call members of the public pretending to be brands like ours. They use UK Internet numbers to give the appearance of being in the UK.


Pre-Approved For A Loan

They tell the victims that they have been approved for a loan.


The Upfront Fee

They then convince the member of the public that they need to prove they are real by paying their first instalment upfront. They say this isn’t an admin fee! Victims are asked to make payment via a number of different methods, this part is constantly changing.


Victims Sends The Money

Victim pays the money and awaits a loan that never comes. Sometimes the fraudsters try to get a few quid more by asking for a transfer fee, vat etc. Eventually it dawns on the victim not to send anymore and the fraudsters stop answering the phone and disappear.


The Victim Realises Something Is Wrong

After they don't receive the money, the victim then comes to our contact us page for our phone number and starts to give us abuse, threatening to make complaints to the OFT and the FCA whilst claiming that QuickLoans have stolen their money. Sadly we see this hundreds of times per month.

Key Points You Need To Know

  • Always check with the lender or the broker. Go to their site directly and contact them. Sites like ours here at QuickLoans will happily spend a few minutes replying. If we can prevent one victim, that's one victim who isn't going to go on social media and post damaging comments.

  • No big UK lending brand will ever cold call you. We've never tried it, but we think The FCA would take a very dim view of any lender or broker that used this marketing strategy to promote genuine loans, never mind asking for upfront fees. Basically, anyone that calls you offering loan products are not who they claim to be. 

  • You will never receive a loan from any lender or broker charging upfront fees. In our 15 years in this business, we have never witnessed a single legitimate lenders asking for upfront payments and then actually paying the money.

  • Paying a fee won't enhance your chances of approval. Established brands like ours generate sufficient revenue through successfully arranging loans for customers. Discouraging applicants by requesting fees would incur significantly more costs for us than we would make.

  • If you pay out a fee to these people, you will never get that money back. Banks will refuse to refund money that you've sent via a bank transfer. 

  • The Police will be powerless to help. Most of these fraudsters are located in Asia and beyond the reach of UK authorities. We did hear once of a fraud ring in India being broken up in 2012, but nothing since. These people act with impunity and may even benefit from some form of protection from prosecution in their country of origin.

  • Don’t be deceived by a UK phone number displayed on your mobile; these calls all originate from overseas. The appearance of a 0207 or 0161 dialling code on your phone doesn't necessarily indicate the call's actual origin. These calls are often routed from countries such as India through UK data centres for as little as £5 a month.

  • The highest amount we ever seen a victim lose was £1167. We asked them how much the loan was for, and they said £1000. At first this may seem strange, but when you realise that these fraudsters use a tactic where they convince people that unless they pay another £60, they'll not only not get the loan, but will lose everything they've paid so far. It's easy to see how desperate people can be caught up in this.

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